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Wisconsin AFL-CIO President Stephanie Bloomingdale released the following statement:
“Shame on Ascension for announcing the closure of the only Labor and Delivery Unit on Milwaukee’s southside at St. Francis Hospital just days before Christmas. This abrupt and short-sighted decision will leave expecting families on the southside without a safe and accessible hospital to receive essential birthing and postnatal services. The decision also means layoffs for dozens of hardworking union members with the Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals (WFNHP). We join together with the WFNHP, AFT to call on Ascension to fully fund the labor and delivery unit at St. Francis Hospital.”
Posted at 03:27 PM | Permalink | Comments (2)
Hundreds of union members came out to support UAW Local 180 and UAW Local 807 members on strike at Case New Holland (CNHi) since May 2, 2022. Supporters gathered in Racine on Saturday for a rally and picket line support. Donations of food, household supplies, and children’s toys for Christmas poured in as rally speakers fired up the crowd. After the rally, a car caravan traveled to the picket line.
UAW Local 180 President Yasin Mahdi asked, “what’s so hard about coming up with a fair agreement in 2022? Here we are in December still asking the company to present a fair offer. This is not too much to ask for. It would be fabulous Christmas present to get a fair agreement.”
“I want to thank each and every person who has supported us through this labor dispute,” continued President Mahdi. “Local 180 is on strike today, but it could be any one of us on strike in the future. I’ve never seen a union ask for something we didn’t deserve. When we raise the standards at one corporation, other corporations have to raise those standards too. Stand strong.”
A contingent of UAW Local 807 workers traveled in from Burlington, Iowa including UAW Local 807 President Nick Guernsey.
Wisconsin AFL-CIO President Stephanie Bloomingdale addressed the crowd, “we are all here to support Local 180 and Local 807 in their strike. I want to send the message: one day longer, one day stronger. I bring you a message from the WI AFL-CIO that workers across this state stand with you. You are at the bargaining table fighting for your rights, for your kids, for your communities and you deserve better.”
UAW Local 180 and UAW Local 807 members are standing strong and holding the line for a fair and just contract. We continue to call on Case New Holland to come to the table and bargain in good faith with UAW members.
Posted at 04:06 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
AFSCME Locals 1205 and 1558 have ratified new contracts with the American Red Cross, calling off a strike slated to take place on December 23 during the holiday blood drive.
“From the beginning, all the workers wanted was for their hard work to be recognized by their bosses with a fair contract,” said AFSCME Council 32 Executive Director Patrick Wycoff. “To attain that, the workers had to take a stand. Make no mistake, the members’ courage to strike the holiday blood drive was critical to reaching this agreement.”
"After many months of negotiations, we have reached a fair contract with our employer," said Lora Parker of AFSCME Local 1205. "Our committee worked long hours to achieve it. Our union members came together in solidarity by using their voices and casting their votes to strike and to ratify. Now, we will be able to continue our mission to help our communities.”
Tony Uecke of AFSCME Local 1558 added, “Blood collection services workers do what we do because we believe in the mission and care about our donors. This contract allows us and the Red Cross to continue our work while delivering fair compensation to our staff.”
The new three-year agreements include retroactive bonus payments for 2021, retroactive wage increases for 2022 and 2023, access to excellent insurance benefits, and increases to the contract’s progressive wage schedules.
“Congratulations to AFSCME Council 32 members who have secured a new and improved union contract with the Red Cross after months of negotiations through resolute solidarity,” said Stephanie Bloomingdale, President of the Wisconsin AFL-CIO.
The newly ratified contracts take effect immediately.
Posted at 04:28 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Join us this Saturday, December 17, for a solidarity day to support striking UAW Local 180 workers in Racine. UAW Local 180 members have been on strike at Case New Holland (CNHi) since May. Join the picket line and come out for a solidarity rally as we stand together to support striking workers and demand a fair contract for UAW members at Case New Holland.
WHEN: Saturday, December 17, 2:00pm Rally, 3:00pm Picket Line Support
Where: 3323 Kearney Ave, Racine
Children’s toy drive and non-perishable food items will be collected.
Over 1,000 members of UAW Local 180 in Racine and UAW Local 807 in Iowa have been on strike since May 2, 2022 at Case New Holland. Workers of UAW Local 180 and 807 at CNHi produce agricultural and construction equipment including tractor loader backhoes, bulldozers and corn and auger heads. CNHi is one of the world’s largest agricultural and construction equipment makers. UAW workers at CNHi are on strike for the ability to earn a good living, retire with dignity, and establish fair work rules.
Show your support for UAW Local 180 members by joining the Solidarity Day on December 17 at 2:00 p.m. in Racine.
Posted at 02:12 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Wisconsin AFL-CIO President Stephanie Bloomingdale released the following statement:
“We are shocked and heartbroken by the on the job murder of our union brother Aundre Cross, a member of the National Association of Letter Carriers Branch 2 who was shot and killed on December 9 while walking his postal route, delivering the mail to serve our communities. We in the Wisconsin union movement extend our deepest condolences to the family of brother Cross and Aundre’s union brothers and sisters and offer our support to each coworker impacted by this violence.
Cross was a beloved husband, father, union member, and coworker who will be deeply missed. Workplace violence is a troubling and growing threat to working families. More must be done to ensure that every working person can come home safely at the end of each shift."
Cross pictured above on the far right with some of us NALC brothers and sisters.
Posted at 03:20 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Governor Evers has announced listening sessions to hear directly from Wisconsinites as he prepares the 2023-25 Biennial Budget, which is scheduled to be introduced in the Legislature in mid-February. The Governor is starting with three listening sessions beginning December 13. More sessions will be scheduled in the New Year.
At each listening session, the Governor and members from the Evers Administration will listen and receive feedback about how the State Budget affects us, our families, and our communities.
We encourage union members to participate in the listening sessions to voice how the State Budget’s many policies affect working families, our jobs, our unions, and our communities.
Governor Tony Evers “Doing the Right Thing” budget preparation listening sessions currently scheduled:
Budget Listening Session in Kenosha
Tuesday, December 13, at 5:30 p.m.
Register to attend here.
Virtual Budget Listening Session
Wednesday, December 14, at 6 p.m.
Register to attend via Zoom here.
Budget Listening Session in Green Bay
Tuesday, December 20, at 5:30 p.m.
Register to attend here.
Make your voice heard and help shape the next Wisconsin biennial budget.
Posted at 11:55 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
On December 5, workers of the American Red Cross’s six Wisconsin facilities voted to initiate a strike during the region’s largest blood drive should management fail to reach an agreement with union members before the current contract expires on December 15th.
“The Wisconsin labor movement proudly stands in solidarity with AFSCME Locals 1205 and 1558 as they prepare to strike on December 23 if a mutually agreeable contract agreement is not reached before then,” said Stephanie Bloomingdale, President of the Wisconsin AFL-CIO. “Wisconsin workers who work at the Red Cross staffing blood drives provide an essential service that enhances the health, safety, and well-being of countless communities across our state. Quality wages and a fair union contract help ensure workers are effectively trained and remain in their position to improve over years of service. The men and women of the labor movement stand shoulder to shoulder with Red Cross workers in the fight for a fair contract.”
The members of AFSCME Locals 1205 and 1558 have been trying to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement with the American Red Cross since August of 2021. After several months, management had canceled or rescheduled 21 meetings and had attended only one.
“For sixteen months, management at Red Cross in Wisconsin has refused to negotiate in good faith with their employees,” said AFSCME Council 32 Executive Director Patrick Wycoff. “When they finally came to the table, they told the employees that there was no money left for them because they spent it all on raises for workers in other states. These unfair labor practices have forced the workers into a position where their only choice is to strike, and our union will stand with them.”
"After exhausting all attempts to bargain in good faith with our employer, we are left with no other option but to withhold our labor,” said Kristena Schmitz, President of Local 1205 from Green Bay. “If we don’t reach an agreement by December 15th, we will not be working the holiday blood drive on December 23rd.”
If an agreement is not reached, the strike will take place between 5:00 AM and 10:00 PM on Friday, December 23rd. Striking workers will form a picket line outside Red Cross’s 37th annual Holiday Blood Drive at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison and ask all public supporters to join Wisconsin’s Red Cross workers in solidarity.
Posted at 01:34 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
In Wisconsin, our fellow union brothers and sisters make a variety of great union-made gifts – from pots and pans, to hot chocolate and coffee, baby pacifiers, durable washers and dryers and more.
At the Wisconsin AFL-CIO, we’re proud to host our Buy Wisconsin website at buywi.org. This is an easy guide to find union-made and Wisconsin-made products and gifts for your loved ones.
To get started, visit Buy Wisconsin at: http://buywi.org/
Jump straight to Wisconsin-made products at: https://buywi.org/products. Union-made products are highlighted in blue. After union-made, products are sorted by categories including: Apparel, Food and Beverage, Home, Garden & Sports, and Gift, Bath & Novelty.
Union-Made in Wisconsin Gift Ideas
Every dollar you spend on Wisconsin-made goods helps to support Wisconsin jobs and fellow Wisconsin workers. It is only through workers coming together with strong unions and sitting down at the collective bargaining table with management that we harness the power to make change and create a more equitable future for all.
Across Wisconsin and across America, a new wave of union activism is taking hold as workers deploy the power of solidarity.
Find the perfect gift that carries the union label at buywi.org
Posted at 02:43 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Congratulations to Noble Knight Games United members (CWA) in Madison who have stood together, organized, and achieved voluntary union recognition from their employer. Together in union, game workers and management at Noble Knight Games can collectively address the needs of workers and customers in order to best serve the public. Workers are looking forward to collaborative, good faith bargaining as they work towards a first union contact.
A supermajority of workers at Noble Knight Games signed union authorization cards in October, and after several weeks of discussion with management, the table-top game company agreed to voluntarily recognize their workers’ union. The employees at the Fitchburg company are now officially organized with the Communications Workers of America (CWA).
New union members celebrated their win on Thursday: “Noble Knight Games has done what 95% of privately-owned companies fail to do: they have voluntarily recognized their workers’ union!” They credited their employer for respecting the will of its employees and agreeing to move forward in good faith.
Wisconsin workers continue to say ‘union yes’ in the gaming industry and other sectors as a historic wave of union organizing sweeps our nation. It is only through workers coming together with strong unions and sitting down at the collective bargaining table with management that we harness the power to make change and create a more equitable future for all.
Across Wisconsin and across America, a new wave of union activism is taking hold as workers deploy the power of solidarity. Congratulations to Noble Knight Games United members on being a part of this historic moment!
Posted at 12:09 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Affiliate Links
AFSCME Council 24 - Wisconsin State Employees Union: http://wseu-sepac.org/
AFSCME Council 40: http://afscme40.org
AFSCME Council 48: http://afscme48.org
AFSCME Local 91: http://local91.union-local.org
AFSCME Local 1397: http:wi//laborweb.afscme.org/sites/WI_C_40/local1397/
AFSCME - WI Political & Legislative Council: http://wiafscme.org
Building and Construction Trades Council of South Central Wisconsin: http://btrades.com
Communications Workers of America Local 4603: http://cwa4603.com
Fond du Lac County Labor Council: http://fdlcountylaborcouncil.org
The Greater West Central Area Labor Council: http://sites.google.com/site/greatereauclaireclc/
IAMAW Lodge 66: http://www.unitedlodge66.org/
International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Local 107: http://boilermakers107.com
International Union Of Operating Engineers Local 139: http://iuoe139.org
Ironworkers Local 8: http://iwl8.org
Wisconsin Laborers: http://www.wilaborers.org
Milwaukee Area Labor Council: http://milwaukeelabor.org
Professional Firefighters of Wisconsin - IAFF: http://pffw.org
Rock County Central Labor Council: http://rocklabor.org
Sheet Metal Workers International Association Local 18: http://smwlu18.org
United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers Local 65: http://rooferslocal65.com