Phil Swanhorst, ATU Local 1310 and President of the Greater West Central Area Labor Council, pictured above with Terry Hayden at the Paul Bunyan and Babe Blue Ox statue in Eau Claire.
“From Eau Claire to Kenosha and everywhere in between, working people are standing together to urge Senator Johnson to pass the PRO Act,” says Phil Swanhorst, ATU Local 1310 and President of the Greater West Central Area Labor Council. “We’d love to explain to him all the benefits of being union and having strong unions in our economy, but since he won’t meet with us, we are sending him postcards from around the state as well as holding rallies and in-person actions to let him know workers want him to vote YES on the Protecting the Right to Organize Act.”
“Wisconsin workers are telling Ron Johnson that if we want a stronger economy with better wages and more worker safety, we need strong unions with the Protecting the Right to Organize Act,” said Terry Hayden from Eau Claire. “It’s a shame Senator Johnson continually refuses to meet with workers to learn more about the PRO Act. Working people will keep up the call for the Senate to pass the PRO act until the job is done.”
Working people in Wisconsin continue our week of in-person actions to pass the PRO Act in Eau Claire, La Crosse and Madison.
On Thursday in Eau Claire, union members gathered at the Eau Claire federal courthouse outside of Senator Baldwin’s office to thank Senator Baldwin for supporting the PRO Act and to call on Senator Johnson to join Senator Baldwin in voting YES to advance worker rights by voting YES on the PRO Act.
On Thursday in Madison, workers held a mock press conference outside of Senator Johnson’s office with a cardboard of Ron Johnson staying silent on the topic of worker rights and refusing to answer questions about his position on the PRO Act.
On Friday in Madison, workers presented Senator Baldwin with a thank letter for support and leadership on the PRO Act since day one.
On Friday in La Crosse, workers gathered outside Senator Baldwin’s La Crosse office on South 7th street to thank Senator Baldwin for supporting the PRO Act.
The PRO Act is a game changer. More than 60 million Americans would join a union today if they could. But in many places, having a fair union election is nearly impossible. Our labor laws are nearly a century old. Today, these laws are weakening America’s labor movement, not helping us. And the courts have relentlessly whittled away our rights for decades.
That’s why we need the PRO Act. It puts power back into our hands—the hands of working people. The PRO Act is a game changer for union members—and working people who want to be union members. It would allow workers to form a union freely and fairly. No more propaganda campaigns. No more scare tactics. No more intimidation.
Wisconsin union members are circulating PRO Act postcards to call on Wisconsin Senators to pass the PRO Act. Check-in with your union representatives, union stewards and local service area organizers to send a postcard urging support of the Protecting the Right to Organize Act to Senator Johnson and Senator Baldwin. Raise your voice, make a call, send a letter, and let your Senator know you want them to vote YES on the Protecting the Right to Organize Act.