Leave it to Republicans to wait until 4:23 p.m. on a Friday afternoon to unleash a raft of bills designed to override the will of the people.
Scott Walker and Republicans in the legislature have called a last-minute, lame-duck special session starting this Monday, December 3, to ram through a wish list of partisan power grabs before Scott Walker leaves office. These bills are designed to limit the power of incoming Gov. Tony Evers and rig elections to the favor of the GOP.
Your legislators need to hear from you that you do not support the GOP lame-duck power grab. The bills are moving fast and could be signed into law in just days. Raise your voice and take action now.
1. CALL 866-832-1560 and tell your legislators you oppose the lame-duck special session power grab.
2. Email your representatives in opposition of the lame-duck session.
Some of the power grabs Senator Fitzgerald and Speaker Vos are attempting to ram through:
- Limit the power and authority of our newly elected Governor Tony Evers before he is sworn into office.
- Changes to absentee voting.
- Waste taxpayers millions of dollars by changing long-planned election date of 2020 Presidential Primary in order to favor a Walker-appointed Supreme Court Justice.
The people went to the polls in November and voted for a new direction in Madison, not a repeat of the Scott Walker dirty tricks playbook. Instead of being sore losers, the legislature needs to start solving Wisconsin’s problems.
CALL 866-832-1560 and tell your legislators you oppose the lame-duck special. Time for our elected officials to work together on solving real issues facing working families.