It’s good to win!
And on Tuesday, June 12, our endorsed candidate, Caleb Frostman, won the special election in Senate District 1 in northeast Wisconsin. Remember, Scott Walker did everything he could to try to stop this election from happening, and it’s clear why – our candidate won big.
This is huge.
It’s the second Senate district to flip to a union-endorsed candidate in the last few months, and means the Republican advantage in the Senate has been cut in half.
We have momentum for working families in Wisconsin. We need more leaders who care about our values of raising wages, safe jobs, economic opportunity for all and a better tomorrow for our children. Caleb Frostman has promised to be the kind of Senator we can trust.
But this special election is just one step. We still need to elect Caleb again this fall, and we need to flip at least two more Senate seats.
That’s how we uphold the Wisconsin values of protecting union rights, fully funding our schools, supporting prevailing wages and project labor agreements, and creating good family-supporting jobs for the people of Wisconsin.
We also want to thank our union sister, Ann Groves Lloyd, who ran a spirited campaign in Assembly District 42, a rural district in central Wisconsin. Both Ann and Caleb saw massive improvement over the 2016 and 2014 results. And Ann is also on the ballot again this fall, so we’re going to keep working to get her over the top.
For the rest of this year, we will be working hard to win for Caleb, Ann, and everyone we endorse, including our union brother, Mahlon Mitchell, for Governor.
We’ll keep knocking doors. We’ll keep making phone calls. We’ll keep talking to our co-workers and neighbors. If we work hard together, we can win for working families.