Wisconsin workers are sending solidarity as Right to Work and attacks on prevailing wage fly through Kentucky legislature. Republicans in Kentucky have decided to kick off their new legislative session with union-busting legislation designed to lower wages and slash basic workplace rights.Anti-worker bills are being rushed through in an "emergency legislation" leaving absolutely no time for public debate and input. Dangerous and destructive bills like Right to Work, paycheck deception and the elimination of prevailing wage are being rocketed through the Kentucky legislature. Workers are sounding the alarm and speaking out against these bad bills, but some legislators refuse to hear them. This is not what democracy should look like.
The workers of Wisconsin are sending a message of strength and solidarity as working people in Kentucky come together to stop these attacks.
“Wisconsin workers know firsthand that Right to Work is wrong for Wisconsin, Kentucky, and every other state in the nation” said Wisconsin State AFL-CIO President Phil Neuenfeldt. “Attacking the rights of working people to stand together and have each other’s backs in the workplace through their union does nothing to create jobs or help the middle class. Right to Work laws hurt all workers by lowering wages and decreasing workplace safety for every worker in the area. Right to Work, favored by millionaires and billionaires as a way to lower wages, is a distraction from the real issues at hand. Lawmakers in Kentucky, and every state facing similar threats, should stop diminishing the rights of working people to make a decent living and instead get back to creating jobs, ensuring quality healthcare for everyone, building stronger public schools for our children and raising wages for the working class.”
“The workers of Wisconsin send solidarity and strength to the working people in Kentucky who are standing up and protesting unfair and harmful laws like Right to Work and the gutting of prevailing wage standards,” said Stephanie Bloomingdale, Secretary-Treasurer of the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO. “An attack on one worker, is an attack on all. We can only build a strong middle class and thriving economy by strengthening workplace protections and workers’ rights to stand together in strong unions and collectively bargain for a brighter future.”
Right to Work laws don’t discriminate -- whether you live in a union household or not, studies show that everyone who lives in Right to Work states makes less money per year than workers who do the same job in non-Right to Work states.