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Greg and Darlene Herrington

All these districts are trying to keep the kids learning and looking for a brighter future while our glorious legislators rob
them of that. Thank you AFL-CIO for standing up for what's right.

Paul Neymeyr

Where in this list is West Allis School Board and Alder persons.

Why not put this list in some kind of order so that it isn't so hard to find what is reverent to the person using your information. Either its ordered by some geographical region or you just kept adding to the list whenever it was convenient.

William Wanahala

I'm hoping you can provide some support to striking workers from Moyle Construction and local contractors. Moyle is bidding work on the Menekaunee Harbor Project. They are a non union company with several issues involving Unfair Labor Practices, no formal training, OSHA violations and a high turnover rate of employees. I believe that local contractors should be given preference over outside companies as local workers spend their money locally and give back to the community. This project is being financed through the city of Marinette and not the city of Houghton, MI. Please contact the city as this affects wages, taxes and employment in the Marinette area.
In Solidarity,
Bill Wanhala
Western Upper Peninsula Community Labor Council

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