« Wisconsin AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Joins Coalition of Working Families on Capitol Hill to Stop the TPP | Main | Senate Scraps Vote On Fast Path to Water Privatization Bill »



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Debra Zimmerman-Barry

Listen to the people!!!! Keep water public!!!!

Sharon Sander

What the hell are they trying to take away from us now? WATER!!!

The Republicans would sell their mothers and children if they could make a buck!

Linda Aten

Keep water utilities public!

Kelly Wescott

No privatized water!


doesn't the city council and municipalities still have to approve it? A private company just can't come in and take over at their will? If a city wants another company to manage their water and waste for them, or think they can do a better job, isn't more options good? Just wondering and looking for answers. Thanks in advance.

Sophia M. Bicoy

Water is a GOD given RIGHT and needs to be owned and run by the cities and all profits go back to the city to re-build infrastructure. When it is operated/owned by companies it is all about profit. Things in these United Stats need to be done for the good of the people.

Robert Seruga

What the hell do you expect with that ass hole governor of yours...He's been bought and paid for a 100 times and you know it... Dump him A.S.A.P.............

Erik Loiselle

Disgusting!! Why people vote for these crooks is beyond me

Todd Warczak

Keep water utilities public!no one should own the number one thing needed for LIFE...whats next?AIR?

Darlene Abbott

Water should always be available for all lifes

Theresa Wimann

No private water!

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